The Drowned

by Sergio a. Ortiz


I want to clarify

it was not in a river

but in the very ground

in front of President's Park

where I drowned.


The only river I have

in my memory is

a shudder

where small things

sink but never disappear.


Sometimes, I sink

before the river passes,

and my request

for help

is always late.

Created: November 15, 2016

Age: 65

State: Puerto Rico/Texas


Sergio A. Ortiz is a gay Puerto Rican poet and the founding editor of Undertow Tanka Review. He is a two time Pushcart nominee, a four time Best of the Web nominee, and a 2016 Best of the Net nominee. His poems have been published in hundreds Journals and Anthologies. He is currently working on his first full length collection of poems, Elephant Graveyard.